Many pet owners struggle to bring their pet to the veterinarian for check-ups on a regular basis. This can be for a variety of reasons from having a busy work schedule to not seeing a health reason to bring their pet in. Waiting to go to the vet until there are signs of an issue prompts a lack of preventative and educated care specialized for that animal.
Preventative care is essential in animals as some diseases or illnesses they catch or develop will not be able to be cured. For example, there is no cure for cats who get heartworm disease, often passed on by mosquito bites, and they will often develop comorbidities like heart disease and heart failure. This disease will greatly shorten a cat's life and often doesn't show until it's too late for medication or sufficient life-sustaining treatment. Prevention allows veterinarians to monitor your pet's weight, catch conditions early that the pet owner might not have noticed, and keep the animal on the right track of care. Prevention is essential in keeping the pet free from a wide range of parasites and bugs that carry diseases.
Specialized Care
Some pet owners use over-the-counter or pet store solutions for common issues like fleas and ticks, internal parasites, and skin rashes. A vet is able to find the proper combination of compounded pet medication to ensure the animal is receiving the exact right dosage of a potential variety of prescriptions to get the best result for that individual pet. Just like people, not every animal is the same and they need to often be treated and seen as an individual being that needs treatment rather than just as a cat or dog with a general over-the-counter solution.
Building a Vet Relationship
Building a relationship with a vet can allow them to have a detailed history of the animal, making it easier to notice health changes and to keep the animal updated on their preventatives and annual shots. Pets may be reluctant to go to the vet if they go irregularly and more consistent visits can lessen their anxiety and negative behaviors.
Pets should be taken to the pet annually if not more often to keep them happy, healthy, and active. Veterinarians are educated in taking care of a wide range of animals and all of these specific diseases and issues. Pets deserve to live comfortably for as long as they possibly can.