According to the ASPCA, 5-7 million companion animals enter shelters in the U.S. every year - that number doesn't even include the pets in the 5,000 independantly run shelters across the country. Sadly, due to space, time, and money, many of these pets don't see the outside of the shelter ever again. Think of all the things your favorite rescue or shelter could do with thousands of dollars worth of pet toys and supplies. While we would like to, many of us just don't have the resourses or money to donate thousands of dollars. Well, America's Favorite Veterinarian, Dr. Marty Becker, wants to help. Check out this info straight from his website!
Dr. Marty Becker wants to give your favorite shelters and rescue groups more than $70,000 in pet products and supplies!
Imagine what a shelter or rescue group could do with thousands of dollars worth of pet treats, food, grooming products, veterinary supplies, and toys.
Use them to enrich the lives of the homeless pets in their care. Sell or raffle them off to raise funds. Give them out as adoption bonuses, or as gifts to their volunteers and fosterers. And of course, they could use them in their own daily operations.
To celebrate the release of his book "Your Dog: The Owner's Manual," and as part of his nationwide 30-city bus tour, Dr. Marty Becker — resident veterinarian on "Good Morning America" and "The Dr. Oz Show" – wants you to nominate your favorite 501c3 shelter or rescue group to receive prizes valued from $1,000 to $20,000!
All you need to do is go to Dr. Becker's Facebook fan page, "like" the page, and post the name of the organization and its location – a link to their website would be great, too, but it's not required – on his wall.
Be sure to "like" the page before you post, so you'll know when it's time for the next round – voting!
Dr. Becker will select 50 of the nominated organizations in a random drawing, and will announce them all on his Facebook page when voting begins. Shelters, rescue groups and their supporters will be able to vote for the group they'd like to see win.
Remember: "Like" the Dr. Becker's Facebook fan page to follow the 30-city book tour, learn about the great shelters and rescue groups helping animals across the country, and to see how your favorite animal organization is doing in the contest!
It's so easy! Make sure to take a few minutes out of your day to nominate your favorite shelter - who knows, they could win $20,000 worth of supplies and toys! While you're at it, make sure to "like" our Facebook page too. :)