Your dog is your best buddy, and they count on you for everything from food to shelter and love. But those are just basic requirements for all dog owners. The key to being a great pet owner is to keep your dog happy and healthy for the entirety of their lifetime. The following are a few ways to get started on the path to a healthier, longer-lived pooch.
What works for humans also works for dogs. Canines are natural walkers and runners, and they need to stretch their legs. At the very least, get them out for a good, long leashed walk during the day, and if you have a place where they can run free for a bit, so much the better.
Premium Food and Natural Products
Bargain basement brand dog food might save some money, but it may also shorten your dog’s life. Higher quality brands provide more of the nutrients that a dog can use, keeping them active and at their peak. Similarly, some pet grooming and hygiene products may also jeopardize your dog’s health. You can prevent this by using only natural dog products, like those from Roxy's Remedies, to keep your pet clean and healthy.
Checkups, Vaccinations and Oral Hygiene
Humans get all of these done without a second thought, and that is exactly the mindset you should have with your dog. Regular checkups and vaccinations can stop problems before they happen, and oral hygiene will control dangerous tooth decay that can adversely affect the mouth, kidneys and heart.
Stressed Out
Believe it or not, most dogs do not react well to stress. Not having their own space, constantly be pestered, and never having time to themselves can cause all sorts of stress-related activities like constant scratching and licking, pulling out their hair, and grinding down their teeth, among others. Just like you need time away from the daily rigors of life, so too does your dog. Give them their own space and some time alone every day.
Love and Attention
A dog that is loved will be a loving dog. Make them a part of your life, groom them regularly, lots of petting and hugs are in order, make them a wanted companion, and they will be there for you always.
Your dog needs you, so give them the best that you can, from check-ups, exercise, attention, and rest, and they will reward you with a lifetime full of joy and satisfaction. A healthy dog is a happy dog, and a happy dog means a happy owner!