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Momo Monday: Best of 2017

Does anyone else feel like they blinked and 2017 flew by? Well I do. Time really does fly when you’re having fun, and I sure had a lot this year. Between all the new friends I’ve made at shows and events to welcoming my new baby brother home, this year was pretty eventful. Check out a few of my most memorable moments that happened this year:

New Baby Brother

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was taking a snooze in my comfy lounge bed when I woke to the sound of the front door opening. I knew that meant my hoomans were home and treats were a few short seconds away from being handed to me. I was startled from my treat daze by a shrieking cry that I had not expected, only to find out that it was my new baby brother!

It wasn’t easy going from being the favorite fur child to having to share my pawrents attention. There were many sleepless nights that interrupted my beauty sleep and times I wish my paws were big enough to cover my ears. But as I got used to having the little guy around I soon realized that I loved being a big sister because the job came with a few unexpected perks! I now have an accomplice who can sneak me food from dinner and a fancy new stroller I get to ride shotgun in. My pawrents don’t want me to feel like I’ve been replaced so they give me extra treats and belly rubs.

Now that’s a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

Momo Monday: Best of 2017

Momo the Show Girl

Every year I get the chance to take my team to events all over the country. From New York to Florida I work my paws off supervising the set-up of our booths and greeting new people who come to learn more about our company and products. A lot of furiends have asked me how I manage to maintain my esteemed position as Chief Pug Officer and still keep my youthful pugish figure.  I might have a few tricks up my sleeve…

Momo Monday: Best of 2017

While I brag about all the yummy treats I get to snack on at work you might be surprised to learn that those treats don’t come for free. My dad and I play this game you see. It’s called the search game. Perhaps you’ve heard of it but if you haven’t, let me introduce you to your new favorite game. My dad hides treats in different places around the office while I wait patiently for his signal to begin searching. Not only does this game give me a nice little workout as I wobble all over the office to find my tasty rewards, it also keeps my mind and senses alert in my older age.

There, the secret is out. Now all of you can look as good as me!

We Love Muttville

Every year we collaborate with the great people over at Muttville Senior Dog Rescue and host an adoption event at out office location in San Francisco. We open up our doors and welcome passersby into our office to meet their potential new best friends. We have a sample sale where a portion of our proceeds is donated to Muttville to raise money for their loveable furry residents.  I love seeing the joy on my coworkers faces when they meet some of the adorable pups up for adoption and foster care. It is definitely one of my favorite days of the year to go to work.

In addition to hosting an adoption event this year I sent my team over to Muttville HQ’s to lend a helping hand. My team showed up ready to work and Muttville didn’t waste any time utilizing the extra help. Some prepared informative envelopes for adopting parents while others bathed and walked some of the pups. My dad sent me pictures throughout the day to show me how much fun they were having getting to help out all the pawsome doggies. The best part of the visit came in the weeks that followed as we found out that some of the furry friends that my team met got adopted!

Momo Monday: Best of 2017

Helping those pups find their furever homes was a great experience and I can’t wait to send my pawsome team to help them out again next year!

Office Ch Ch Ch Changes

Although this is taking place at the beginning of next year, the planning for it has been going on for months. I’m talking about the...drum roll please…remodeling of our office! That’s right folks, P.L.A.Y. is getting a makeover and I couldn’t be more excited. These past few months have been go go go as we’ve all worked hard to get everything set up for the renovation. I had to take on extra responsibilities to make sure my coworkers stayed on track and finished each step on the list. Everything has moved along smoothly, with only one hiccup along the way.

When my pawrents showed me the blue prints of the new layout I was not a happy pug. Can you believe they weren’t going to give me the big office with the window view?? I took this issue up with my pawrents but my woofs and puppy eyes did not change their mind so I had to settle for the Large Lounge Bed in the corner of the office. As disappointed as I was I still had one of the best views in the place where I could still keep a watchful eye over my coworkers. I observed from my throne-of-a-bed as they lugged boxes and products here and there. No way was this pampered pooch getting her paws dirty with any heavy lifting. I sat and looked pretty while they diligently got our office ready for renovation.

Momo Monday: Best of 2017

Stay tuned for the final outcome of our project!

Well that’s a wrap on some of my most memorable moments of 2017. I can’t wait to see what the New Year will bring and to have you along for the ride! You can expect to see some pawsome new products coming out soon so stay tuned and have a happy New Year!

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Luxury Designed Products for Pets, People & Planet

Pamper your pet, update your home décor and save the planet with P.L.A.Y.’s luxury and eco-friendly pet products. Our premium pet beds are not only functional, but they’re also 100% machine washable, stylish enough to look good in your home and their plush filling is made from recycled plastic bottles!

From comfortable and practical pet beds, new and whimsical pet toys released yearly and the best outdoor gear to help you adventure with your furry friend, we strive to meet the needs of modern pet parents. With exclusive designs created by artists around the world, we deliver a look and feel that will leave tails wagging and wallets intact.

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