It’s not easy living with allergens, and dust mites are one of the largest causes of them. Similarly, pet dander can cause quite a few people to react, but many of us would rather suffer than give up our furry companions, so it is important to know the ins and outs of living with pet allergens. Plus, we will give you a few tips on dealing with dust mite allergens in the home.
#1 Choose Your Furnishing Carefully
Whether its dust mites or pet dander, the choice of furnishings can have a big impact on how much you suffer. Selecting hard floors instead of carpet means that the allergens won’t end up embedded in the fibres, and they are much easier to get rid of. Similarly, having blinds instead of curtains has the same benefits.
You can get mattress covers which have been tested as allergy-proof, which is perfect for keeping dust mites at bay. The rooms in which you spend the most time have a higher chance of containing allergens, so keep this in mind when furnishing your home.
#2 Use a Vacuum Cleaner with a HEPA Filter
When you vacuum, use a model that has a HEPA filter. These are hospital grade and are the best kind to use because they capture the most dust mites and general allergens compared to other types of filter. Plus, they push clean air out that is easier for you to breathe.
#3 Restrict Pet Access in the Home
If your allergies are caused by your pets, try to restrict their access to certain rooms in your home, such as your bedroom. It’s not fair to keep them outside all the time, so restricting their access is an excellent option. You will find that you suffer less, and that both you are your pet are happy with the arrangement. It will also help if you groom them regularly outside and wash them frequently, as the allergies are caused by their dead skin and dried saliva.
#4 Get an Air Purifier
Air purifiers are the way forward when it comes to alleviating your allergies. These take in the allergens and trap them, before expelling clean air into your home. Smart Vacuums recommends the Futura Pro air purifier, as well as the EcoAir Pure 126 for removing dander and alleviating allergies.
#5 Wash and Clean Everything Regularly
Finally, it is essential that you keep your home in top shape at all times. Dust regularly, keep the floors vacuumed, and ensure that bedding and cushions (as well as other soft furnishings) are washed on a regular basis. All of this will help to remove the allergens from your home, and leave you with an environment that is much easier to breathe in.
To Conclude
Hopefully, you have found these five tips for living with dust mites and pet allergies useful, and they have helped you to make your home an easier place to live. With the help of an air purifier, a HEPA filter, and regular washes for all of your furnishings, you will be breathing easy in no time at all.