We all know that social media is the place to go for cute pictures of puppies and funny videos of cats. Since our pets are so special to us, it only makes sense that we share all of their best moments on our social media accounts so others can witness their cuteness. Across all social media platforms—and especially Instagram—pets are becoming inspirational social influencers and, in some cases, are more popular than even their owners!
With 65% of owners posting a photo of their pets two times per week, and 17% of pet owners creating social profiles specifically for their furry friends, it is no new phenomenon for pets to make up a large part of our social media streams. Let’s just admit it: we are all a little pet-obsessed, and our social media accounts are there for proof. If you really love your pet, why not share the love on social media?
Make An Instagram Account and Cultivate a Following
Do you really love your pet if he or she doesn’t have an individual Instagram account? Creating an Instagram account for your pet is a super fun way to show the world just how cute your four-legged friend truly is. Since you can’t post the same photo twice, having a pet Instagram account will make you get creative and can lead to hours of fun experimentation with costumes and poses. By creating a specific hashtag—either of your pet’s breed or name—that you use with every post, you can start to gain a following and maybe even turn your pet into an Instagram star!
Pick One Channel and Stick to It
If you really want your followers or friends to get to know your pet, try to choose one social media channel and stick to it. It will be more fun for both you and your pet if you aren’t constantly trying to come up with new content for a variety of channels. Instead, try out two or three different social media channels at first and see which one garners the biggest following for your pet. Then, you can focus all of your attention on this one channel and create some entertaining and engaging posts to show your following just how much fun you and your pet have together.
By creating an Instagram profile for your pet and sticking to one or two social media channels, you can have a lot of fun sharing your moments and memories with your favorite four-legged friend with the world.