The Holidays are the most awaited time of the year for many of us. However, due to the excitement and constant distractions, we can easily forget about how much danger this period can mean to our furry friends.
From candy to mistletoe and from forgotten lit candles to fireworks, many holiday specialties can be a real threat to pets.
For example, holiday plants are really pretty and you may think that they aren’t harmful, but did you know that even a single leaf of any kind of lily can be lethal to your cat? In fact, many holiday plants can be poisonous to your pet. Mistletoe, pine, cedar and holly can be toxic if animals try to eat them.
But probably the most common mistake we make is offering human food to our loved furry friends. Every pet owner wants to treat their companion for Christmas, but unfortunately, many human foods can be toxic to pets. Popular ingredients and treats like raisins, onions, xylitol and chocolate should be kept away from your pets’ reach as they can cause serious harm. If you want to offer them something special, you should buy treats formulated for them or make a research on what’s safe to give them.
Although the steps mentioned above are really important when it comes to keeping your pet safe during the Holidays, there are many more things to keep in mind. We are sure you want the best for your four-legged family member and for that you can use the checklist below.
Check out this Holiday pet safety checklist which mentions 12 very important things to keep in mind. Feel free to check it out every time you feel the need and your furry friend will surely be safe and sound during this exciting time of the year.

About the Author:
Timi Smith teamed up with Wire Fence to put together this holiday pet safety checklist as she knows that every pet owner wants to keep their four-legged family member safe during this wonderful time of the year.